Download files from the web

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This tutorial explains how to download files from the web, also known as a web restore. There are two ways to start a restore from the web console:

  • ZIP file restore is designed to download a few files when you need them on the go.
  • Device restore, also called "push restore", is an advanced feature that allows administrators to start a restore job on any online computer in their organization through the CrashPlan app. 

If you need to download a large number of files but you are not an administrator, you can restore files from the CrashPlan app on your local device.

Before you begin

  • If you are downloading all of your files because you recently reformatted or replaced a device or hard drive, refer to Replace your device using CrashPlan instead.
  • ZIP file restore downloads are limited to 1 GB (1024 MB) per download session. Device restores have no file limit.

 Only Linux devices honor case-sensitivity

Files whose names differ only in capitalization are recognized as distinct files on Linux devices when you select files for backup, as well as when you select files for download. On Windows and Mac devices, files whose names differ only in capitalization are treated as the same file. When you restore two Linux files whose names differ only in capitalization to a Windows or Mac device, the files have "original<number>" prefixed to their names to differentiate them from one another.


ZIP file restore

  1. Open a web browser and sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Sign in with your account credentials.
  3. Select Devices > Active.
  4. On the Active Devices screen, find the device containing the files you want to download and click Restore Restore_icon.png in the right column.
    console restore 6-8-22.png
    The Web Restore dialog box opens.
  5. (Optional) Select a calendar date to download files as of a date other than the most recent date.
    web restore window.png
  6. (Optional) Select Display deleted files to download previously-deleted files.
    The file tree refreshes to include deleted files.
  7. Select the files or folders you want to download from the file tree.
    Click the arrow next to a file to view and select a specific version of that file to restore. Time stamps next to file versions are displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  8. Click Restore.
    The Web Restore Finished message appears in the lower-left side of the CrashPlan console. Click-here-to-download-message.png
  9. Select Click here to download to download the zip file containing your files.
    The files are downloaded to the device you're currently using.
  10. If you're using a public device, be sure to Sign Out before leaving.

Device restore

Administrators can restore files to any registered, online device, regardless of device ownership. When an administrator begins a device restore (also called a "push restore"), the target device uses the CrashPlan app to perform the restore of all files to the target location.

There is no limit on the number or size of files that can be restored with a device restore, but the target device must be currently online.

 Device restore is an advanced feature

The device restore feature is a powerful tool for restoring files, available only to administrators. Consider your restore strategy carefully - using the CrashPlan app to restore files directly will be the easiest and most direct option in most cases.

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Select Devices from the menu.
  3. Select a device from the list on the Active tab.
  4. From the device details, click Restore.
  5. Select Device from the Restore Target options.
  6. Start typing the target device name within the Target device field. The available devices appear in a drop-down list.
  7. Select a target device from the list.
    The target device must be currently online.
  8. Under Target location, select one of the following:
    • Target Path: Choose a specific file path on the device for the restore. Restored files inherit the ownership of this target path folder.
    • Original Location: Restore files to the file path they were originally backed up from.
  9. Under If file already exists, select one of the following:
    • Rename: Rename files when a file matching the file name downloads to the same location. 
    • Overwrite: Overwrite files when a file matching the file name downloads to the same location. 
  10. Under Permissions, select one of the following:
    • Current: Permissions of the file will match those of the current user doing the restore.
    • Original: Permissions of the file will match those of the original user.

     Differences in OS permissions

    Changes to permissions differ on Mac, Windows, and Linux: 

    Mac: Allows changes file read/write permissions, owner, and group
    Windows: Allows changes to file read/write permissions only
    Linux: Allows changes to owner and group only

  11. In the Web Restore window, select the files and folders to restore. Click the arrow next to a file to view and select a specific version of that file to restore.
    If you choose to restore a large number of files, preparing the files for restore might take several minutes. Time stamps next to file versions are displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  12. Click Restore.

Device restore window with restore options.png


  • A target device must be online to be selected for a device restore.
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